5 Red Flags of a Dying Air Conditioner

5 Red Flags of a Dying Air Conditioner


Unfortunately, no matter how well you care for your A/C, it will eventually die—whether you like it or not. Just like any other appliances at home, air conditioners have limited lifespan, so it’s a smart idea to replace your existing system before it suffers from a complete breakdown.

If you’re wondering if your A/C is on its final months or days, here are signs to watch out for:

Your Bills are Soaring High

Is the cost of running your A/C unreasonably expensive? Mind you—it’s not normal for your energy bills to be steadily rising without a significant increase in your local energy rate. There could be an internal problem that needs to be addressed ASAP. At this point, you should be ready to call in a technician for an inspection and repair if necessary.

Excess Moisture is Still There

Your A/C isn’t meant for cooling alone. Its job also includes removing excess moisture from the air. So if you feel a bit humid at home with your A/C running round-the-clock, it means your system is slowly losing the ability to do its job efficiently. Repairing or replacing the evaporator coil might help—but if it doesn’t completely solve the issue, you could be ready for a new air conditioner. 

Your System Frequently Needs Repair

Have you found yourself constantly calling an air conditioning company lately? It’s pretty normal for an A/C to act up when it’s nearing retirement, but if yours regularly needs fixing like once every week, you know it might need to be replaced. It’s never a good wasting money on frequent repairs.

It’s Making Odd Noise

A silent A/C is a healthy system. So if your unit is emitting a humming, rattling or rumbling sound, it can be an indication of old age, loose parts, or worn-out components. If any of these issues aren’t solved right away, your system could be on its last leg.

Your A/C Runs Non-Stop

A constantly running A/C is an indication that your unit is too small, the thermostat isn’t working right or other potential issues. Your unit should turn off on its own, but if it doesn’t—be sure to shut it off manually.

Before your system totally breaks down. Talk to us at Carey & Walsh for affordable options.

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